How to create mind map

Create Mind Map


Step 1: centre first.begin with word or image that symbolizes what you want to think about placed in the middle of the page.

Step 1: centre first.begin with word or image that symbolizes what you want to think about placed in the middle of the page.

Step 2.Now circle it with a black marker

Step 2.Now circle it with a black marker

Step 3.Using  the same sharpie (black) tha for the circle ,draw a line ( straight r curved) from central topic ,and write down the idea

Step 3.Using the same sharpie (black) tha for the circle ,draw a line ( straight r curved) from central topic ,and write down the idea

Step 4.Add sub- branches

Step 4.Add sub- branches

Step 5.Add more sub- branches and ideas

Step 5.Add more sub- branches and ideas

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