How to create kids' play tent outdoor art project
I credit my daughter Heidi for this inspiration. Camping with our grown & grand kids, she created a great outdoor craft for the little cousins to work on & play in at minimal cost & no mess to clean!
Gather an assortment of bungee cords
Find a sturdy straight branch and tie to two upright trees to support tent roof.
Cut holes and hook cords into each tent corner and secure...
We found it wasn't even necessary to cut a hole... Just push hook through works too.
We used both trees and tent stakes to secure the tent with the bungee cords.
This bed sheet cost only $2.50 at a thrift store.
Checking out the final construction.
Gathering up art supplies...
These can be purchased at any craft store. You want water base washable paint
The kids found a place to fill the squirt bottles and even a chance to squirt each other before we added paint to each. .
Put 1 - 2 tsp paint into each spray bottle already almost filled with water. .
Pour 1-2" of each color paint into plastic containers with each color having its own paint brush, plus plastic water bottles prepared... Let the art begin!
Painting and spattering...
Lost in the moment...
Fun for kids and parents!
Our kids' ages ranged from 3 to almost 8.
Spray or brush...
Then they played in and around their decorated tent all day!
- Old Bed Sheet (solid light color)
- Tempera Washable Paints
- Brushes
- Spray Bottles & Water
- Bungee Cords
- Little Kids
- Woods or campsite
Rollie Brandt
I've been an artist all my life and raised my children as a stay at home mom. Happily married 40 years. I love to share what I do...
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