Some people don't know about short cuts, and some do, I just wanted to make a guide out of it anyway.
Go to settings from the home screen.
Scroll down to general, and click on that.
You'll want to scroll down to keyboard, and click on it.
Scroll down to shortcuts. This is where you'll find shortcuts you already have. I have the ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ face as one, because who wants to type that face out every time?! Exactly, shortcuts help.
What you'll do is write the phrase you will want changed once the short cut enables. i.e. I used 'idk' to show how to create one. The shortcut is what it'll be changed too.
And then it'll be in your shortcuts.
Short cuts look like this when typed. Just space and it'll change.
Thanks for looking! Please follow for more guides! 😊
The creator of this guide has not included tools
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