How to create form with a pen and ink technique option 1

Create Form With a Pen and Ink Technique Option 1


Draw two lines near the top of your paper for the neck of your bottle.

Draw two lines near the top of your paper for the neck of your bottle.

Draw a line for the left side of your bottle. It can be curvy like mine or more straight. There are all kinds of bottles!

Draw a line for the left side of your bottle. It can be curvy like mine or more straight. There are all kinds of bottles!

Draw the mirror image (exact opposite) of the left side of your bottle on the right side.

Draw the mirror image (exact opposite) of the left side of your bottle on the right side.

Draw a downward curving line for the bottom of your bottle.

Draw a downward curving line for the bottom of your bottle.

Draw a downward curving line for the top of your bottle.

Draw a downward curving line for the top of your bottle.

Draw an upward curving line for your bottle opening.

Draw an upward curving line for your bottle opening.

Draw a downward curving line on your bottle neck. It makes it more interesting!

Draw a downward curving line on your bottle neck. It makes it more interesting!

Draw another downward curving line at the bottom of your bottle neck. Even more interesting!

Draw another downward curving line at the bottom of your bottle neck. Even more interesting!

You can create value with pen and ink by repeating ANY shape or symbol. I chose a spiral. Choose a simple shape (circles, triangles) or simple symbol to create value.

You can create value with pen and ink by repeating ANY shape or symbol. I chose a spiral. Choose a simple shape (circles, triangles) or simple symbol to create value.

Begin by drawing your shape or symbol very small and close together along the pencil line on the right side of your bottle.

Begin by drawing your shape or symbol very small and close together along the pencil line on the right side of your bottle.

Continue to create dark value along the right side with small close shapes or symbols.

Continue to create dark value along the right side with small close shapes or symbols.

To create value, slowly start to draw your shapes or symbols bigger and bigger as you move in to your bottle. Your shapes or symbols will NOT spread apart.

To create value, slowly start to draw your shapes or symbols bigger and bigger as you move in to your bottle. Your shapes or symbols will NOT spread apart.

Continue to slowly draw your shapes or symbols bigger and bigger towards the center of your bottle.

Continue to slowly draw your shapes or symbols bigger and bigger towards the center of your bottle.

Repeat steps 10-13 for the left side of your bottle.

Repeat steps 10-13 for the left side of your bottle.

Fill in the very center of your bottle with very big shapes or symbols.

Fill in the very center of your bottle with very big shapes or symbols.

Move to the neck of your bottle. Draw your shape or symbol very small and close together along the sides and bottom of the neck.

Move to the neck of your bottle. Draw your shape or symbol very small and close together along the sides and bottom of the neck.

As you move towards the center of the neck, slowly draw your shapes or symbols bigger.

As you move towards the center of the neck, slowly draw your shapes or symbols bigger.

In the top of the neck, draw small shapes or symbols on the edges and bigger shapes or symbols in the center.

In the top of the neck, draw small shapes or symbols on the edges and bigger shapes or symbols in the center.

Fill the opening at the top with small shapes or symbols. The opening is all shadow, dark value.

Fill the opening at the top with small shapes or symbols. The opening is all shadow, dark value.

Hold your drawing away from you to let your eyes adjust. Congratulations! You created form with the pen and ink technique of repeated shapes!

  • White paper
  • Marker