How to create christmas decoration using lego

Create Christmas Decoration Using LEGO


This is all about making some fun decoration for Christmas with your kids.

Choose a tray or something else as a base

Choose a tray or something else as a base

These came in two differen sizes that were 40x40 and 40x25 square centimeters

These came in two differen sizes that were 40x40 and 40x25 square centimeters

You also need decorative artificial snow.

You also need decorative artificial snow.

Use spray glue to put the artificial snow on the base.

Use spray glue to put the artificial snow on the base.

Here comes the fun part: Build some Christmas LEGO models. There is a special collection, but you can also imagine your own Christmas village.

Here comes the fun part: Build some Christmas LEGO models. There is a special collection, but you can also imagine your own Christmas village.

In case you want to buy LEGO Christmas models, the model numbers so far are: 10199, 10216, 10222 & 10229. Or download the original instructions from if you have enough bricks.

Start putting your models on the bases

Start putting your models on the bases

We also added some fake trees in the back

We also added some fake trees in the back

Soon you'll have a growing village that looks great, kids have fun building more stuff and like playing with it

Soon you'll have a growing village that looks great, kids have fun building more stuff and like playing with it

You can spread these decorative items in the house!

You can spread these decorative items in the house!

Put them anywhere you like!

Put them anywhere you like!

There will be no mess because the decorative artificial snow is glued to the base.

There will be no mess because the decorative artificial snow is glued to the base.

You can even take it apart after Christmas and have a new tradition: Building some winter village with your kids in the days before Christmas

Happy building!

Happy building!

  • Decorative artificial snow
  • Spray glue
  • Tray or some other base
  • LEGO Christmas models