How to create bark texture by dasuni dharmaratne

Create Bark Texture by Dasuni Dharmaratne


Collect modeling paste and surface you want your bark texture on.

Collect modeling paste and surface you want your bark texture on.

Spread a thin layer of modeling paste on your surface.

Spread a thin layer of modeling paste on your surface.

Using your finger, uplift the paste making a \u201cscale like\u201d texture.

Using your finger, uplift the paste making a “scale like” texture.

This should be the result of the previous step

This should be the result of the previous step

Using very thick layers of paste, create lines and dents similar to the pattern on a tree.

Using very thick layers of paste, create lines and dents similar to the pattern on a tree.

This should be the result of the previous step. Let the paste fully dry to prepare for painting.

This should be the result of the previous step. Let the paste fully dry to prepare for painting.

Using a dry brush, paint on an initial layer of dar brown paint. It is okay if not all of the parts are covered. Allow to dry for next step.

Using a dry brush, paint on an initial layer of dar brown paint. It is okay if not all of the parts are covered. Allow to dry for next step.

Go over with a lighter brown. Focus more on the higher parts of the bark.

Go over with a lighter brown. Focus more on the higher parts of the bark.

Lightly dry brush a highlight color on the highest points of the bark.

Lightly dry brush a highlight color on the highest points of the bark.

This is the final result.

  • 1.0c Modeling Paste
  • Acrylic Paint
  • Paint Brushes