How to create an office supply dream catcher :)

Create an Office Supply Dream Catcher :)


First get your scissors and whatever you are using as the base as the dreamcatcher, I used cardboard and needed scissors to cut a circle

I just cut a small and thin circle using a flap of a cardboard box, and then threw away the scraps

I just cut a small and thin circle using a flap of a cardboard box, and then threw away the scraps

You can also cover the cardboard in colored duct tape if you like, I just don't have any at the moment

Now get your string for the middle (I used plain cardboard and chose not to cover it in the string or tape, but you can if you want), since I was in my office at home, I used rubber bands

Next, take your string (it doesn't really matter what your using, be creative :) ) and tie one end of it anywhere on the base. I suggest a tight knot. Now take the string down diagonally and wrap it.

What I did was use more rubber bands to make the little dangly thingies. I also added paper clips and candy wrappers I found lying around my bedroom/office/art studio and just let them dangle!! Yay!

Now you can add little details and finishing touches you want, be original, cause I made mine out of stuff I would have recycled the boring way. But I made my old paper scraps from other stuff

Into a dreamcatcher! You can also add beads/ gems to the middle like me

  • Paper scraps, tape, scissors, paper clips,extra