How to create an amazing notebook!!!!

Create an Amazing Notebook!!!!


Do you want to learn how to make an awesome, easy notebook? Well in this guide I'll show you how!

Cut your card stock to the size you want it.

Cut your card stock to the size you want it.

Get lined paper

Get lined paper

Cut to the same size as cardstock

Cut to the same size as cardstock

Cut another piece of card stock the same size as your lined paper

Cut another piece of card stock the same size as your lined paper

Put together so that lined paper is in the middle

Put together so that lined paper is in the middle

Now here's the tricky part, you need to grab a sewing needle, some sort of string and sew lathe pages together

Here is what it should look like when your done

Now you can decorate!!!

If you enjoyed this guide please give it like and comment if you have anything to say. Bye!

  • Cardstock
  • Paper (lined or unlined)
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Stickers, markers etc.
  • Creativity