How to create an airbrush 'love' painting

Create an Airbrush 'Love' Painting


Write out "love" or a different word on hard paper like so.

Write out "love" or a different word on hard paper like so.

Cut them out and tape them onto a canvas or paper.

Cut them out and tape them onto a canvas or paper.

If you have the crayola airbrush kit like me, you'll need to pump the pump up 15-20 times. If you don't, then skip this step.

If you have the crayola airbrush kit like me, you'll need to pump the pump up 15-20 times. If you don't, then skip this step.

Get your first color and put it in the gun.

Get your first color and put it in the gun.

Spray it on the canvas.

Spray it on the canvas.

This is how much I'd like.

This is how much I'd like.

Take your next color...

Take your next color...

And spray it on too.

And spray it on too.

This is my last color

This is my last color

Spray it on.

Spray it on.

Keep spraying until you reach the end of your canvas.

I repeated the pattern and have now reached the end of my canvas!

I repeated the pattern and have now reached the end of my canvas!

Now we SLOWLY peel of our letters.

Now we SLOWLY peel of our letters.

Like so.

Like so.

Peel the rest off.

Peel the rest off.

Then boarder the letters with black.

Then boarder the letters with black.

The finished product!

  • Color Technique (I'm using crayola airbrush kit)
  • Canvas/Paper
  • Hard Paper
  • Scissors
  • Tape