How to create accent nails

Create Accent Nails


There's always that simple glitter nail

There's always that simple glitter nail

This is cool it's black nails with coloured dots

This is cool it's black nails with coloured dots

This one you need to pain nails blue than creat design with tape and paint over with black and peel off tape

This one you need to pain nails blue than creat design with tape and paint over with black and peel off tape

This is the sponge effect paint the sponge and dap on nails then tape design then paint over with black

This is the sponge effect paint the sponge and dap on nails then tape design then paint over with black

This you need a solid colour then a dotting tool to creat cherry \ud83c\udf52

This you need a solid colour then a dotting tool to creat cherry 🍒

  • Nail polish
  • Tools