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How to create a weekly outfit planner--way #2!

On my last outfit planner guide, someone asked if there was a way to do this without the shoe hanger, to save $. The answer is,of course, YES!


Decorate your cards with the days of the week. Again, you can use 7 for all days, but I use 6 as I combine the 2 days of the weekend.

Decorate your cards with the days of the week. Again, you can use 7 for all days, but I use 6 as I combine the 2 days of the weekend.

Tape your card to the "neck" of the hanger.

Tape your card to the "neck" of the hanger.

Hang your hangers and fold the cards back a little so you can see the days.

Hang your hangers and fold the cards back a little so you can see the days.

Plan and hang your outfits every Sunday (after you check your local weather for the week...don't want to plan shorts when it's going to be 50 degrees!).

You're done! If you're interested you can check out my first outfit planner guide on my page. Thanks!

  • 7.0 Hangers
  • Markers/pens
  • 7.0 Index cards
  • Tape