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Reflect Create a list of 30 things you'd like to have, do or be in the next 30 days, 3 months or year. Focus on your health, wealth and happiness. Reach for the stars - no dream is too big!

Gather your supplies.

Gather your supplies.

Choose colors you like and begin to freely dabble on the paper.

Choose colors you like and begin to freely dabble on the paper.

Don't be afraid to mix water based paints. Just fill the page with color.

Don't be afraid to mix water based paints. Just fill the page with color.

Keep it loose aglow with promise.

Keep it loose aglow with promise.

Flip through magazines clipping out images, words and phrases inspired by your list of 30 things.

Flip through magazines clipping out images, words and phrases inspired by your list of 30 things.

Create a great big pile!

Create a great big pile!

Trim, arrange, edit, rearrange and layer. Remember your vision board only has to make sense to you!

Trim, arrange, edit, rearrange and layer. Remember your vision board only has to make sense to you!

Start gluing items down. You'll know when your ready.

Start gluing items down. You'll know when your ready.

Use your own writing to complete ideas.

Use your own writing to complete ideas.

Now comes the fun part. Doodle, doodle, doodle with paint, pens and pencils. Add borders, alter images and just play!

Now comes the fun part. Doodle, doodle, doodle with paint, pens and pencils. Add borders, alter images and just play!

Finished page - Now it's the homescreen on my phone and computer! Visualizing my dreams.

  • Journal page or paper
  • Pencils and erasers
  • Paints- watercolors or arylics
  • Brushes and cups
  • Glue or glue sticks
  • Coloring tools- markers, pencils, crayons
  • Scissors
  • Magazines