How to create a vinyl tape floor

I was inspired by Jim Lambie to create this floor on my porch. It is done completely in vinyl tape and it can be easily pulled up whenever I'm ready for a new look.


This is the floor before.  You need a clean smooth surface that the tape can adhere to.  You can go over laminate or in my case concrete.  I prepped my floors by laying down 8" wide clear tape.

This is the floor before. You need a clean smooth surface that the tape can adhere to. You can go over laminate or in my case concrete. I prepped my floors by laying down 8" wide clear tape.

To start: lay your middle rectangle by laying a solid block of color.  I chose my darkest blue in 2 inch wide tape.  I laid 6 rows side by side.  Then build from there.  Lay the tape in random lines.

To start: lay your middle rectangle by laying a solid block of color. I chose my darkest blue in 2 inch wide tape. I laid 6 rows side by side. Then build from there. Lay the tape in random lines.

I used tape in 1/2", 3/4", 1 1/2", & 2" thickness.  Make sure to overlap the tape with each new line and at the corners.  The tape will shift so you want make sure when it does it doesn't leave gaps.

I used tape in 1/2", 3/4", 1 1/2", & 2" thickness. Make sure to overlap the tape with each new line and at the corners. The tape will shift so you want make sure when it does it doesn't leave gaps.

The next 13 steps show in detail how to lay the tape and corners.  Here is a sample of laying the first line.

The next 13 steps show in detail how to lay the tape and corners. Here is a sample of laying the first line.

Lay the second line next to it overlapping around a 1/4 of inch.

Lay the second line next to it overlapping around a 1/4 of inch.

Lay the next line overlapping the same way.  Don't worry about the edges not being perfect and kind of jagged it will be covered up.

Lay the next line overlapping the same way. Don't worry about the edges not being perfect and kind of jagged it will be covered up.

Next we begin the corners.  Lay your first strip overlapping a 1/4 of inch again along the top edge (which covers up the messy edges.)

Next we begin the corners. Lay your first strip overlapping a 1/4 of inch again along the top edge (which covers up the messy edges.)

Next lay your lengthwise strip overlapping the edge again.

Next lay your lengthwise strip overlapping the edge again.

Continue laying stripes in different colors and widths always overlapping the stripe underneath it.

Continue laying stripes in different colors and widths always overlapping the stripe underneath it.

When the rectangles met the edges across I switched to laying straight lines across the width until I reached the end of the room.

When the rectangles met the edges across I switched to laying straight lines across the width until I reached the end of the room.

This is my transition from rectangles to straight lines to the end of the room.

This is my transition from rectangles to straight lines to the end of the room.

This is a close up showing how I varied my widths and colors for the striping.  Let your imagination go wild.

This is a close up showing how I varied my widths and colors for the striping. Let your imagination go wild.

My bland floor before and my new floor after! FYI: I ordered the tape from and I had to reorder 4 times because it obviously took way more than my "guesstimates".

  • Vinyl tape in different colors of your choice
  • Scissors