How to create a tribal mani

Create a Tribal Mani


Start with a base color

Start with a base color

Using acrylic paint I painted a stripe at the tip

Using acrylic paint I painted a stripe at the tip

Then created triangles. If you mess up you can use rubbing alcohol to remove the mistake without messing up your polish.

Then created triangles. If you mess up you can use rubbing alcohol to remove the mistake without messing up your polish.

I like to outline my triangle then fill in.

I like to outline my triangle then fill in.



In the empty areas I used blue acrylic paint to make triangles.

In the empty areas I used blue acrylic paint to make triangles.

Adding purple stripes to the empty tip area.

Adding purple stripes to the empty tip area.

Start at the base of the nail with a triangle.

Start at the base of the nail with a triangle.

Create another on the side

Create another on the side

And another on the opposite area

And another on the opposite area

Keep moving downward.

Keep moving downward.



I added a purple triangle to fill in emptiness.

I added a purple triangle to fill in emptiness.

There are so many different patterns and that's what I love about tribal print. It doesn't have to be perfect and you can do so many different things!

The creator of this guide has not included tools