How to create a tea bird feeder wreath

Create a Tea Bird Feeder Wreath


Save your used loose tea. I've found Forever Nuts & Organic Skinny to be popular!

Save your used loose tea. I've found Forever Nuts & Organic Skinny to be popular!

Mix it with water, some bird seed and pour into a shallow pan.  Stick a cup or small bowl in the centre.  Then place it in the freezer overnight.

Mix it with water, some bird seed and pour into a shallow pan. Stick a cup or small bowl in the centre. Then place it in the freezer overnight.

Once frozen, fill the cup with warm water to remove. Rinse the backside to release the "wreath".

Once frozen, fill the cup with warm water to remove. Rinse the backside to release the "wreath".

Add a ribbon and think of a squirrel-safe place to hang! I've been using my clothesline!

Add a ribbon and think of a squirrel-safe place to hang! I've been using my clothesline!

I have the happiest little chickadees in Kitchener-Waterloo! They love it!

  • 1.0c Used Tea: Forever Nuts & Organic Skinnny are great
  • 1.0c Tap Water!
  • 1.0c Bird Seed
  • 1.0 Freezer-safe pan or dish + a small dish for centre
  • 1.0 Freezer!