How to create a sticky-note quote board

Create a Sticky-Note Quote Board


Take your card stock and staple them together like this. You can have more sheets depending how big you want this.

Take your card stock and staple them together like this. You can have more sheets depending how big you want this.

Done! :)

Done! :)

Measure the length of each side and cut about a 1" strip of wrapping paper.

Measure the length of each side and cut about a 1" strip of wrapping paper.

Tape/glue it.

Tape/glue it.

Repeat on all sides

Repeat on all sides

Pin on the wall and add sticky notes!

Mine have quotes but you can put anything!

Mine have quotes but you can put anything!

  • Sticky-notes
  • Wrapping paper
  • 2.0 Cardstock Paper
  • Scissors
  • Stapler
  • Tape/glue