How to create a quiz

Create a Quiz


Log in to your teacher web.

Click the advanced tab and make sure quizzes option is turned on.

Click the advanced tab and make sure quizzes option is turned on.

Click classes and type the names of your classes.

Click classes and type the names of your classes.

Click students under the advanced tab. Then click Add Students in blue.

Click students under the advanced tab. Then click Add Students in blue.

Click the blue words bulk add on the top of this screen.

Click the blue words bulk add on the top of this screen.

Use your csv rosters exported from gradespeed and follow on screen directions to upload them for each class.  Repeat this step for each class.

Use your csv rosters exported from gradespeed and follow on screen directions to upload them for each class. Repeat this step for each class.

Be sure you go back and assign the students to a class. If you don't, they cannot quiz!

Click advanced then quizzes and this screen will appear.  Click Add Quiz.

Click advanced then quizzes and this screen will appear. Click Add Quiz.

Create your quiz with the on screen instructions. You can create your own or search the public bank.  Roots quizzes will be in the public bank.

Create your quiz with the on screen instructions. You can create your own or search the public bank. Roots quizzes will be in the public bank.

  • Computer
  • Teacher web