How to create a mobile ad

Create a Mobile Ad


Login to

Login to

Sign in or Register

Sign in or Register

Choose your account type

Choose your account type

Add Funds to account

Add Funds to account

Minimum is $100 you can play with credit card or Paypal.

Minimum is $100 you can play with credit card or Paypal.

Create a campaign

Create a campaign

Fill in all your campaign info, name, type, cap, budget, etc.

Fill in all your campaign info, name, type, cap, budget, etc.

Choose Targeting

Choose Targeting

Upload creative, and wait for ads to approve by our advertiser account manager.

Upload creative, and wait for ads to approve by our advertiser account manager.

App status will be "pending" until its get approve by account manager within 24 hours or less.

App status will be "pending" until its get approve by account manager within 24 hours or less.

  • Credit Card & PayPal account
  • Ads in correct sizes & formats (Jpg, gif, png)
  • Email Account