How to create a lino cut relief print

Create a Lino Cut Relief Print




Cutting into the linoleum with a special cutting tool.

Cutting into the linoleum with a special cutting tool.

Always cut away from yourself.

Always cut away from yourself.

Design drawn on then cut.

Design drawn on then cut.

Thick padding of newspapers to print on.

Thick padding of newspapers to print on.

Plain white paper, large enough to make multiple prints.

Plain white paper, large enough to make multiple prints.

block printing ink.  Can be mixed to make other colors.

block printing ink. Can be mixed to make other colors.

Brayers at least 2.  One for ink one dry.

Brayers at least 2. One for ink one dry.

Stir the ink.

Stir the ink.

place the ink on a piece of paper or plastic.

place the ink on a piece of paper or plastic.

Roll the Brayer in the ink, covering the entire roller with ink.

Roll the Brayer in the ink, covering the entire roller with ink.

Roll it both directions.

Roll it both directions.

Roll the ink onto the lino

Roll the ink onto the lino

Rolling it both directions

Fill the entire lino with ink.

Fill the entire lino with ink.

Flip the lino onto the paper, on top of the newspaper.

Flip the lino onto the paper, on top of the newspaper.

Using a dry Brayer roll on the back side of the lino.  Roll both directions.  You may also use a spoon and rub in a circular motion.

Using a dry Brayer roll on the back side of the lino. Roll both directions. You may also use a spoon and rub in a circular motion.

Slowly peel back the Lino to reveal your print.

Slowly peel back the Lino to reveal your print.

Evaluate your print:  Too much ink the lines will be filled in.  This one has too much.

Evaluate your print: Too much ink the lines will be filled in. This one has too much.

I always suggest trying again if you have too much ink.

I always suggest trying again if you have too much ink.

Too little ink will have a lot of white showing.  You usually have to do several prints to get the best print.

Too little ink will have a lot of white showing. You usually have to do several prints to get the best print.

Pretty good print

Pretty good print

Silver print

Silver print

Generally I cut out my best prints and mount to a backing.

Generally I cut out my best prints and mount to a backing.

  • Brayer
  • Block printing ink
  • Newspaper
  • Linoleum
  • Cutting tools