How to create a giant minecraft portal

Create a Giant Minecraft Portal


First you need to find a clear space in you world like I have

First you need to find a clear space in you world like I have

To make the portal you will need obsidian and flint and steel

To make the portal you will need obsidian and flint and steel

Dig one block down in a straight line to make a base.

Dig one block down in a straight line to make a base.

Add in obsidian into the ditch

Add in obsidian into the ditch

Then stack the same blocks 10 blocks high.

Then stack the same blocks 10 blocks high.

Do the same on the other side.

Do the same on the other side.

Add blocks across the top to make a rectangle.

Add blocks across the top to make a rectangle.

Select flint and steel and press on the bottom right hand corner with the flint and steel.then you portal should appear.

Tip:In the nether never lose your portal or you can't get back the the overworld.

The creator of this guide has not included tools