How to create a four-door book foldable

Create a Four-Door Book Foldable


Start like you're going to make a hamburger fold - match the edges, but DON'T crease the fold yet!

Start like you're going to make a hamburger fold - match the edges, but DON'T crease the fold yet!

Pinch the edge to mark the middle.

Pinch the edge to mark the middle.

Pinch the other edge.

Pinch the other edge.

Fold the outer edge of the paper to the middle at the pinch.

Fold the outer edge of the paper to the middle at the pinch.

Crease the fold.

Crease the fold.

Repeat on the other side.

Repeat on the other side.

Crease the fold.

Crease the fold.

With the edges folded in to the center, fold the paper in half like a hamburger.

With the edges folded in to the center, fold the paper in half like a hamburger.

Crease well.

Crease well.

Open the project.

Open the project.

Cut along the two inside "valley" folds to create two flaps on one side.

Cut along the two inside "valley" folds to create two flaps on one side.

Flip the project and do the same on the other side.

Flip the project and do the same on the other side.

You will have four doors or flaps on the inside of the project.

You will have four doors or flaps on the inside of the project.

Add a title for the project. Add labels to each of the four flaps.

On the front of the flap, after researching, students can record the main idea for that heading.

On the front of the flap, after researching, students can record the main idea for that heading.

Inside, students can record the supporting details for each of the headings.

Inside, students can record the supporting details for each of the headings.

  • 1.0 11 x 17 paper
  • 1.0 Scissors
  • 1.0 Marker