How to create a fishtail bracelet easy

Create a Fishtail Bracelet EASY


1.Take your loom and flip it sideways

2. Take a band and flip so it looks like a figure eight. You will need only two pegs for this bracelet.

3.Put two regular bands on the same two pegs. Ps, sorry there are no pictures.

4. Now take the figure eight with your hook and take the ends and put them on your two regular bands.

5. So now you just keep doing that except you do not put any figure eight bands on your loom again soon you will see that a bracelet is coming down both of the pegs!!

6. Hope this helps and i am new on snapguide so please follow me and like me 😉

  • A loom(i prefer rainbow loom)
  • A hook
  • Bands(not al lot)
  • A clip