How to create a door mounted spice rack for $1.00

Create a Door Mounted Spice Rack for $1.00


As you can see, we were in desperate need of some organization. However, we live in an apartment, so we can be screwing holes in anything.

As you can see, we were in desperate need of some organization. However, we live in an apartment, so we can be screwing holes in anything.

Well, I found this little guy at the Dollar Tree for $1.00. I figured I could cut it up without being worried about the cost.

Well, I found this little guy at the Dollar Tree for $1.00. I figured I could cut it up without being worried about the cost.

I went and grabbed my trusty pair of dykes to cut through the wiring.

I went and grabbed my trusty pair of dykes to cut through the wiring.

You want to make cuts just above the guardrail above the top rack.

You want to make cuts just above the guardrail above the top rack.

It should look like this.

It should look like this.

Next, you'll need to cut off the hooks on the bottom.

Next, you'll need to cut off the hooks on the bottom.

You should now have these two pieces.

You should now have these two pieces.

Get your glue gun heated up!

Get your glue gun heated up!

We're basically adding a guardrail to the bottom shelf.

We're basically adding a guardrail to the bottom shelf.

Now we have our finished spice rack.

Now we have our finished spice rack.

Everything fits well.

Everything fits well.

Be sure that your spices clear any openings before you install it.

Be sure that your spices clear any openings before you install it.

Now we grab our Command hooks.

Now we grab our Command hooks.

I decided to crimp the hooks a bit just so it would be more secure.

I decided to crimp the hooks a bit just so it would be more secure.

Set where you want your first hook.

Set where you want your first hook.

On the other side, set the hook and be sure it is taught so that it doesn't sag.

  • 1.0 Shower Caddy
  • 1.0 Pair of dykes
  • 1.0 Package of Command Hooks
  • 1.0 Hot glue gun
  • 1.0 Needle nose pliers