How to create a cut tied up shirt

Create a Cut Tied Up Shirt


you will need a old shirt that you dont care to cut and a pair of sissors

you will need a old shirt that you dont care to cut and a pair of sissors

start to cut from the bottom or the top i started from the botttom

start to cut from the bottom or the top i started from the botttom

when you cut all the little slits down the side it should look like this

when you cut all the little slits down the side it should look like this

then cut a slit down the middle and double tie do this all the way to the end

then cut a slit down the middle and double tie do this all the way to the end

after being tied it should look like this

after being tied it should look like this

this is the final product this is a different shirt i did not like the orignal peice so i switched

Hope this is helpful sorry for the lighting. please comment and like. dont be afriad to commet or messaage me new ideas to make a guide for!!!!!!!!!

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