How to create a convection current

This is a science experiment which you can do to create a convection current and show the density of water at different temperatures.


Here are your supplies.  Go to the counter and get one vial, one plastic cup, one small plastic zip bag, one 50 mL syringe, and one bulb pipette.

Here are your supplies. Go to the counter and get one vial, one plastic cup, one small plastic zip bag, one 50 mL syringe, and one bulb pipette.

Fill the vial with 25 mL of room-temperature water.  Let the vial stand for 1 minute undisturbed, so that the water stops moving.

Fill the vial with 25 mL of room-temperature water. Let the vial stand for 1 minute undisturbed, so that the water stops moving.

  • 1.0 plastic cup
  • 1.0 vial
  • 1.0 small zip bag
  • 1.0 plastic bulb pipette
  • 1.0 50 mL syringe