How to create a clock with naomi

Create a Clock With Naomi


Prepare wooden disc. Drill hole for clock movement according to size recommended for clock in center of 10 inch ring To find center use CD or DVD and 3 quarters as shown in 1A.

Prepare wooden disc. Drill hole for clock movement according to size recommended for clock in center of 10 inch ring To find center use CD or DVD and 3 quarters as shown in 1A.

While still wet lay down filigree stencil pressing slightly and pull back up to make imprint replace around circle. Allow to dry As you do the exact same to the larger disc..minus the Cd Measure.

While still wet lay down filigree stencil pressing slightly and pull back up to make imprint replace around circle. Allow to dry As you do the exact same to the larger disc..minus the Cd Measure.

Paint White * or a light color you like* paint all Relics and Artifacts pieces the same color. Allow to dry.

Paint White * or a light color you like* paint all Relics and Artifacts pieces the same color. Allow to dry.

Apply layer of Joint compound to Small circle

Apply layer of Joint compound to Small circle

Lightly sand both disc being careful not to sand the pattern off. You just want to get the top even Be sure to shake or Brush off dust from sanding and paint both circles

Lightly sand both disc being careful not to sand the pattern off. You just want to get the top even Be sure to shake or Brush off dust from sanding and paint both circles

Assembly.   You will install the clock movement according to directions for your clock through the center hole

Assembly. You will install the clock movement according to directions for your clock through the center hole

Add a darker color to all, Disc & R.A. I used black , water it down some and brush or dab it on You are getting it in the crevices and you will gently wipe it of the raised features of you pieces

Add a darker color to all, Disc & R.A. I used black , water it down some and brush or dab it on You are getting it in the crevices and you will gently wipe it of the raised features of you pieces

A masterpiece are you ready to try your hand! Naomi can't wait to see yours! Read it on the Muse

  • Wooden disk
  • Joint compound
  • Stencil
  • Clock movement
  • Relics and Artifacts
  • Paint bkack and white