How to create a chevron weaving

Create a Chevron Weaving


Gather Your Supplies and have them ready for easy access.

Gather Your Supplies and have them ready for easy access.

Measure and Cut the Artwork base/frame: Cut your paper 8"x 8". Leave a 1/2" border around the outside edge.

Measure and Cut the Artwork base/frame: Cut your paper 8"x 8". Leave a 1/2" border around the outside edge.

Using the ruler, knife and cutting mat, cut vertical lines between the top and bottom borders at each increment pencil mark.  You will have 14 vertical strips. Each strip is 1/2" wide.

Using the ruler, knife and cutting mat, cut vertical lines between the top and bottom borders at each increment pencil mark. You will have 14 vertical strips. Each strip is 1/2" wide.

Measure and Cut the Colored  Strips: You will need 5 sets of 3 strips. I used 6 dark blue,5 gray, and 3 black and white. Cut your stripes 1/2" x 8" long.

Measure and Cut the Colored Strips: You will need 5 sets of 3 strips. I used 6 dark blue,5 gray, and 3 black and white. Cut your stripes 1/2" x 8" long.

Take the first strip and working from right to left. Weave across the top of the first three vertical strips and under the next three and continue over three, under three until you reach the end.

Take the first strip and working from right to left. Weave across the top of the first three vertical strips and under the next three and continue over three, under three until you reach the end.

The third paper strip comes through from the back of the frame between the third and fourth vertical strips.

The third paper strip comes through from the back of the frame between the third and fourth vertical strips.

To create the chevron pattern the second color follows the three over, three under pattern, but commences one strip in from the edge.  For further explanation see next step.

To create the chevron pattern the second color follows the three over, three under pattern, but commences one strip in from the edge. For further explanation see next step.

Adding the Additional Colors:  The first two strips of the second color follow a mirror image pattern of rows 2 and 3 of the first's easier to follow the pattern when you're looking at it.

Adding the Additional Colors: The first two strips of the second color follow a mirror image pattern of rows 2 and 3 of the first's easier to follow the pattern when you're looking at it.

Sit back and admire your art work.

Sit back and admire your art work.

  • 1.0 Ruler
  • 10.0 Colored or Graphic Paper
  • Cutting Mat
  • Exacto Knife