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The first thing you need is a bunch of playcards

The first thing you need is a bunch of playcards

Take two of them out of the stock.

Take two of them out of the stock.

Set them against each other.

Set them against each other.

Magic! If you do it right they will stand by them selfes now.

Magic! If you do it right they will stand by them selfes now.

Do the same thing again. Be careful!

Do the same thing again. Be careful!

Set one card at the top of them. This is the base.

Set one card at the top of them. This is the base.

Do the two steps before again and again. You must be careful. They falls easily. When you have like four or three towers stending up you can start with the next floor.

Do the two steps before again and again. You must be careful. They falls easily. When you have like four or three towers stending up you can start with the next floor.

Do it again and again. And you're done!

  • Cards
  • Table
  • Fingers
  • Hands
  • Eyes