How to craft a worry doll

Guatemalan Worry Dolls are an old tradition. You tell your worries, one to each doll, and put them under your pillow to sleep well, waking refreshed.


Various shaped toothpicks, twigs, small clothes pins, matches, twist ties and pipe cleaners can all form the body of the doll.

Various shaped toothpicks, twigs, small clothes pins, matches, twist ties and pipe cleaners can all form the body of the doll.

I have been collecting floss for years. This makes a lot of options for clothing. You can use cloth scraps too.

I have been collecting floss for years. This makes a lot of options for clothing. You can use cloth scraps too.

You may want sand paper to sand the cut ends of toothpicks. You can use an emery board too. Scissors and glue are handy. I have hot glue too, but it is more difficult to work with on small things.

You may want sand paper to sand the cut ends of toothpicks. You can use an emery board too. Scissors and glue are handy. I have hot glue too, but it is more difficult to work with on small things.

Sometimes I measure something. Sequins, beads and more could be used for decoration.

Sometimes I measure something. Sequins, beads and more could be used for decoration.

For this worry doll we will use two twist ties cut in half.  No two will be alike. They can be as simple or decorated as you like.

For this worry doll we will use two twist ties cut in half. No two will be alike. They can be as simple or decorated as you like.

Use three of the 1/2s and twist for body, arms and legs.

Use three of the 1/2s and twist for body, arms and legs.

You can add a bead for the head.

You can add a bead for the head.

With a dab of craft glue, start wrapping floss around head.

With a dab of craft glue, start wrapping floss around head.

Add glue when needed while wrapping.

Add glue when needed while wrapping.

I have a natural color twist tie so stopped wrapping for skin. You can wrap the limbs.

I have a natural color twist tie so stopped wrapping for skin. You can wrap the limbs.

I had this variegated funky yarn, thought it would make a great shirt and pants. I glued strips of floss on the head for long hair.

I had this variegated funky yarn, thought it would make a great shirt and pants. I glued strips of floss on the head for long hair.

You can draw on a face if you like. I prefer faceless.  I glued and wrapped some black on the feet for shoes.

You can draw on a face if you like. I prefer faceless. I glued and wrapped some black on the feet for shoes.

I use a toothpick to push, pat and tug on pieces of yarn or floss to move them where I want in the glue.

I use a toothpick to push, pat and tug on pieces of yarn or floss to move them where I want in the glue.

You can use the floss to make shirts, pants, dress or skirt. Wrapping different colors, you can make stripes.

You can use the floss to make shirts, pants, dress or skirt. Wrapping different colors, you can make stripes.

Smooth out rough edges on sandpaper.

Smooth out rough edges on sandpaper.

You can wrap each body part in the skin tone.

You can wrap each body part in the skin tone.

Adding scraps can enlarge and shape.

Adding scraps can enlarge and shape.

Glue dabs while you wrap.

Glue dabs while you wrap.

Now add glue and choose clothing.

Now add glue and choose clothing.

I picked a red, white and blue dress. Using another stick stabilized the legs.

I picked a red, white and blue dress. Using another stick stabilized the legs.

I rolled some doll hair in my hands, glued the head and laid it in the snarl.

I rolled some doll hair in my hands, glued the head and laid it in the snarl.

This wooden cocktail fork will make a large worry doll.

This wooden cocktail fork will make a large worry doll.

Jeans and white tennis shoes.

Jeans and white tennis shoes.

Black belt and a big head, guess it is a guy.

Black belt and a big head, guess it is a guy.

Stripe shirt and blond hair complete this doll. The worry dolls are usually 1 - 3 inches tall.  Tell your worries to one today.

Stripe shirt and blond hair complete this doll. The worry dolls are usually 1 - 3 inches tall. Tell your worries to one today.

  • Pipe Cleaner, twist ties or toothpicks
  • Various colored floss
  • Glue, scissors, sandpaper
  • Beads for head
  • I Like crazy yarns too