How to crack a coconut

Heres a simple way to open a coconut with your chefs knife.


The supplies are in place and the coconut family has come out to enjoy the sacrifice.  The coconut family is optional in your set up.

The supplies are in place and the coconut family has come out to enjoy the sacrifice. The coconut family is optional in your set up.

 Drill holes in the "eyes" and for jeepers sakes don't forgot to clean your bit first. I keep a clean bit in my utensil drawer just for food stuffs. Make two holes so the water comes out smoothly

Drill holes in the "eyes" and for jeepers sakes don't forgot to clean your bit first. I keep a clean bit in my utensil drawer just for food stuffs. Make two holes so the water comes out smoothly

Send er through the strainer.

Send er through the strainer.

All right..heres the trick. using the BACKSIDE of your knife. (Very important that you DO NOT USE the sharp side of your knife) Give the coconut a good firm smack right in the middle.

All right..heres the trick. using the BACKSIDE of your knife. (Very important that you DO NOT USE the sharp side of your knife) Give the coconut a good firm smack right in the middle.

Rotate the coconut in your hand a little bit and smack it again. Keep rotating and smacking the coconut in the middle each time.

Rotate the coconut in your hand a little bit and smack it again. Keep rotating and smacking the coconut in the middle each time.

After a few good whacks, the coconut should split in half.

After a few good whacks, the coconut should split in half.

It's pretty simple. You don't have to smash it too hard. Just a good firm consistent smack will do it. It can take just a few whacks or you may need to have at er a bit to get it to split.

It's pretty simple. You don't have to smash it too hard. Just a good firm consistent smack will do it. It can take just a few whacks or you may need to have at er a bit to get it to split.

Use a butter knife and score the coconut meat in about 1 inch chunks. Getting the meat out is tricky. I am definitely game for hearing about other methods to do this part.

Use a butter knife and score the coconut meat in about 1 inch chunks. Getting the meat out is tricky. I am definitely game for hearing about other methods to do this part.

After the slits are made, squeeze the flat side of your butter knife between the white coconut meat and the soon to be bikini top. The meat should pop out in chunks.

After the slits are made, squeeze the flat side of your butter knife between the white coconut meat and the soon to be bikini top. The meat should pop out in chunks.

Peel back the big chunks and eat the small ones.

Peel back the big chunks and eat the small ones.

And there ya have it. Fresh coconut ready for grating, slicing, toasting and crafting.  Bonus new hat for the coconut dude in the background.

And there ya have it. Fresh coconut ready for grating, slicing, toasting and crafting. Bonus new hat for the coconut dude in the background.

Thanks for having a gander at my guide. Please browse my other guides for more simple ideas and big flavours. "Like" this if you do and "Follow" me for more like this as they come. Cheers!

  • 1.0 Coconut
  • 2.0part Grit
  • 4.0part Precision
  • 20.0lb Force
  • 1.0 Power Drill
  • 1.0 Heavy chefs knife