How to cook the best black-eyed peas right out of the can

My children love this "recipe". I've tried making the frozen and dried..they Love these the BEST!


Start with pan on high heat.

Start with pan on high heat.

Open 2 cans of your favorite Black-eyed Peas.

Open 2 cans of your favorite Black-eyed Peas.

Add to heated pan.

Add to heated pan.

Open 2 cans Chicken Stock.

Open 2 cans Chicken Stock.

Pour into the Black-eyed Peas.

Pour into the Black-eyed Peas.

Add salt to taste.

Add salt to taste.

Just a word about the salt. We only use Course Kosher Salt.  It's easier to add without over salting. I think it gives better flavor.

Just a word about the salt. We only use Course Kosher Salt. It's easier to add without over salting. I think it gives better flavor.

We keep in a small dish with a lid.

We keep in a small dish with a lid.

Back to the peas...Stir well.

Back to the peas...Stir well.

Cover and bring to boil.

Cover and bring to boil.

Boil for at least 5 min. Stir just to check if sticking to bottom of pan. If is sticking, turn down heat.

Boil for at least 5 min. Stir just to check if sticking to bottom of pan. If is sticking, turn down heat.

After boiling time complete. Turn heat down and allow to simmer for 10-15 min.

After boiling time complete. Turn heat down and allow to simmer for 10-15 min.

Pour into bowl to serve to family. We love it soupy like this. You can alter by adding less Chicken Stock if you don't like it soupy.

Pour into bowl to serve to family. We love it soupy like this. You can alter by adding less Chicken Stock if you don't like it soupy.

Serve over crumbled cornbread. Yum Yum!

  • 2.0 Cans Black-eyed Peas
  • 2.0 Cans Chicken Stock
  • Salt to taste