How to cook tasty & healthy veggies (waist friendly)

This garlic peppered veggie recipe is the perfect side dish for the upcoming summer or even all year round. Whoever said you had to sacrifice flavor to eat healthy hasn't tried this before.


Heat Olive oil in a pan then dice   half a large onion or one small onion. Next saut\u00e9 the onion until caramelized or a translucent golden color on low heat.

Heat Olive oil in a pan then dice half a large onion or one small onion. Next sauté the onion until caramelized or a translucent golden color on low heat.

Once your onion is translucent add in a generous amounts of minced garlic

Once your onion is translucent add in a generous amounts of minced garlic

Once your garlic is saut\u00e9ed a bit add in your frozen veggies I used mixed veggies and a half a bag of baby broccoli and switch to medium heat

Once your garlic is sautéed a bit add in your frozen veggies I used mixed veggies and a half a bag of baby broccoli and switch to medium heat

Let your veggies defrost and let the water evaporate a bit

Let your veggies defrost and let the water evaporate a bit

Next add in about a half teaspoon of black pepper, a quarter of a  teaspoon of parsley, a pinch of cayenne pepper, a few sprinkles of adobo seasoning and rosemary,  two pinches of red pepper flakes

Next add in about a half teaspoon of black pepper, a quarter of a teaspoon of parsley, a pinch of cayenne pepper, a few sprinkles of adobo seasoning and rosemary, two pinches of red pepper flakes

Sprinkle sea salt on top and mix together gently

Sprinkle sea salt on top and mix together gently

Taste, and adjust to your liking

Taste, and adjust to your liking

Transfer into serving bowl

Transfer into serving bowl


  • Mixed veggies
  • Minced garlic
  • Onions diced
  • Black pepper
  • Red pepper flakes
  • Sea salt
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Adobo seasoning
  • Parsley
  • Broccoli
  • Olive oil