How to cook ribs on a weber

You don't need an expensive smoker to make awesome ribs, but you DO need to know a few tricks to make them tender, smoky and moist. This isn't so much a recipe, but more like a fool proof method.


Here's a collection of items I got for this session\u2026 The ice tea is not part of the tutorial, but I mixed it with the bourbon as a refreshing beverage to get drunk with :)

Here's a collection of items I got for this session… The ice tea is not part of the tutorial, but I mixed it with the bourbon as a refreshing beverage to get drunk with :)

Use your favorite rub to generously season the ribs front and back. Let them sit and "cure" while you prepare your fire\u2026

Use your favorite rub to generously season the ribs front and back. Let them sit and "cure" while you prepare your fire…

I'm not a big fan of wood chips for generating that smoky flavor typical of real BBQ. I use real wood chunks in place of charcoal. 1 10 lb bag this size is enough to complete a 3 hour rib session.

I'm not a big fan of wood chips for generating that smoky flavor typical of real BBQ. I use real wood chunks in place of charcoal. 1 10 lb bag this size is enough to complete a 3 hour rib session.

If your not comfortable using wood, then use charcoal, but try and find the natural hardwood charcoal and avoid using briquettes… that shit is foul. :) And skip the wood chips. Chips are for salsa :)

Fill a chimney starter 3/4 full of chunks and empty them onto your grill. Fill your chimney up half way with more chunks and light.

Fill a chimney starter 3/4 full of chunks and empty them onto your grill. Fill your chimney up half way with more chunks and light.

When the large flames have subsided, dump the chunks onto the unlit wood in your grill and wait about 10 minutes for it to get good and lit.

When the large flames have subsided, dump the chunks onto the unlit wood in your grill and wait about 10 minutes for it to get good and lit.

Real wood takes a little longer to burn down a bit to use for indirect cooking. Don't start the cook until the large flames have subsided and the chunks have turned to coals. About 10-15 min.

Bank the coals off to one side of the grill. Place a large, disposable aluminum pan next to the coals and fill halfway with water. This will act as a drip pan.

Bank the coals off to one side of the grill. Place a large, disposable aluminum pan next to the coals and fill halfway with water. This will act as a drip pan.

Put on the grate. Place a 2nd aluminum pan, half full with water, directly over the coals. Arrange the ribs over the drip pan as far from the actual fire as possible.

Put on the grate. Place a 2nd aluminum pan, half full with water, directly over the coals. Arrange the ribs over the drip pan as far from the actual fire as possible.

Cover the grill and open the bottom and top vents all the way. If you follow the instructions, this setup should typically give you an internal temp of about 225-250 every time… This is what you want.

Keep the lid CLOSED and walk away for an hour. Just walk away and do something else and DON'T PEEK! Please trust me on this. Every time you lift the lid, you waste heat and add time to the cook.

Ribs typically take a minimum of about 3-4 hours on a weber for a meaty slab of baby backs. About 4-5 for spareribs… So drinking bourbon gives you something to do while you wait.

45 minutes into the cook, fill your chimney starter halfway with fresh wood and light . At the 1 hour mark, open the grill and quickly add the fresh coals to the fire…

Replace the grate and flip the ribs, bone side down and replenish the water in the upper pan\u2026Cover the grill and cook another hour, undisturbed\u2026 And go have a drink or 2. Oh, and skip the mops folks

Replace the grate and flip the ribs, bone side down and replenish the water in the upper pan…Cover the grill and cook another hour, undisturbed… And go have a drink or 2. Oh, and skip the mops folks

Precious got tired of waiting\u2026

Precious got tired of waiting…

After 2 hours, take the ribs and wrap in a double layer of foil, making somewhat of a package. Pour the splash of apple juice and bourbon in the package and include the butter as well. Seal\u2026

After 2 hours, take the ribs and wrap in a double layer of foil, making somewhat of a package. Pour the splash of apple juice and bourbon in the package and include the butter as well. Seal…

One detail I forgot to mention was 15 minutes before the 2 hour mark, fill the chimney halfway with fresh wood and light and replenish as instructed in the 1 hour mark, while you wrap the ribs…

At this point of the session, I had waaaaay too many bourbons and stopped taking photos :)

After an additional hour in the foil packet, remove the ribs carefully, brush with sauce and return to the grill, unwrapped, covered, for another 15-30 minutes to caramelize the sauce…

After 3 hours, the ribs are typically done. They should be tender enough to pull apart, but not nearly "falling off the bone"\u2026 This is a common misconception and really means you overcooked your ribs

After 3 hours, the ribs are typically done. They should be tender enough to pull apart, but not nearly "falling off the bone"… This is a common misconception and really means you overcooked your ribs

I don't care for sloppy, saucy ribs and like just enough sauce on them to be cooked on during the last step to glaze them… but do whatever the hell you want :) this again is a method, not a recipe

Follow these instructions and you will get consistent results and you will learn how to trust your instincts with fire and not rely on recipes that aren't always accurate…

BBQ's are about spending time with friends not babysitting a grill. After a few sessions, you will feel confidant enough to walk away and let your food cook and not stress about it and look like a pro

  • 1.0 Rack baby back ribs
  • 1/2c Apple juice
  • 1/4c Bourbon
  • 2.0Tbsp Butter
  • Your favorite BBQ sauce
  • Your favorite BBQ seasoning
  • 2.0 Large disposable aluminum cake pans
  • 1.0 10 lb bag of real wood chunks
  • Chimney charcoal starter