How to cook rainbow cake with micho
It's another colorful weekend with our easy rainbow cake recipe to put a smile on your dial. Don't forget to follow us, like and share the guides. Life is a rainbow of love and happiness.
So we are going to grate the lemon and orange rind to make about 2-3 tablespoons of lemon rind. Don't throw away anything we are going to juice them in the next step.
Juice 5 or 6 oranges and the one lemon the old fashion way. How I wish I had the electric juicer right now. Lol
In your bowl or electric mixer add 5 eggs and the lemon and orange rind.
As much vanilla as you like. We used 3 tablespoons here.
1.5 cups of sugar. More or less is up to you. 1.5 for our taste.
1 cup of melted butter.
While your mixing add in your orange juice.
If you don't have real oranges you can use premixed orange juice or even mix. Any flavour juice you like is also fine. But please no berry flavours. It won't work when we add the colour later.
Now start to add your flour while it's mixing.
Someone forgot to add in the baking powder earlier. So we had to stop the machine to add 3 teaspoons of baking powder.
Now the fun part. You will need 4 bowls. One for each colour. Seperate the cake mixture into the 4 bowls. Equal amounts in 3 and leave extra in the 4th bowl. We left more of the original color.
Add a few drops of red food coloring into your first bowl and mix with a spoon. More coloring, more intense colour.
In a second bowl add the green. Food coloring is not so good for health so go easy on the frequency of use. Once in a while is ok.
Stir it all in or if you like this type of strong and light texture you can leave it like this. ;) You're only limited by your imagination.
And orange or any other colour you like. Stir with the spoon.
Using a knife chop some of your favourite white and dark chocolate.
In your cake Tin start with the white colour. Remember the first layer you put down will be the one you have more mixture of. So if first layer green make sure it's more quantity than other 3
So the first layer is about 2 cm but it's all up to your imagination. And don't forget to add your favourite chocolate chips in between each layer. :)
Add the next colour of choice to your baking tray. Add a few white chocolate chips.
More white. It doesn't have to be perfectly layered unless you want it to. Just be careful of your colored cake mix quantity. Add some dark chocolate chips
Add the next color. Add more chocolate chips.
More white. More chocolate
Add the next color, add more chocolate chips.
And finish it off with the same colour as your first layer.and if you have extra chocolate chips. Sprinkle all over the top.
It should look like this. Bake in the oven for 50-55 minutes on 180 degrees. After 45 minutes you can check by sticking a wooden skewer to see if the dough is dry.
When I took it out of the oven I was totally shocked. No colour; no red, no orange, no green. Brought tears to my eyes. And when I cut in to it.....
Rainbows, rainbows, rainbows everywhere. :) so there we have another colorful dessert to turn dull to exciting for your next coffee gathering.
Thank you to all our beautiful followers, who continually support us and share our guides with their friends. We love hearing from everyone. Thank you for all your messages too :)
Don't forget to stay tuned with us on Facebook, YouTube and twitter. :) search cookwithmicho :) Love always, Micho.
- 5.0 Eggs
- 1.0 Orange rind
- 1.0 Lemon rind
- 2.0c Fresh orange juice
- 2.0Tbsp Vanilla essence
- 1/2c Sugar
- 3.0c Flour
- 150.0g White and dark chocolate
- 3.0tsp Baking Powder
- 1.0Tbsp Rum Essence
- 1.0c Melted butter
- 6.0 Oranges or fresh orange juice
Michel Daher
Micho here. Amateur experimental chef and lover of food. Thanks for all your support. Join my Food Journey
Perth, Australia
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