How to cook quinoa breakfast porridge with almond milk

Cook Quinoa Breakfast Porridge With Almond Milk


Looking for something new to try for breakfast? This porridge is delicious, healthy, and easy to make. Bonus- it is vegan and gluten free.

Looking for something new to try for breakfast? This porridge is delicious, healthy, and easy to make. Bonus- it is vegan and gluten free.

The main ingredients are quinoa and almond milk.

The main ingredients are quinoa and almond milk.

I browned 3/4 cup uncooked quinoa for about 7 minutes over medium heat. Make sure to stir frequently so it does not burn! You just want to toast it a little.

I browned 3/4 cup uncooked quinoa for about 7 minutes over medium heat. Make sure to stir frequently so it does not burn! You just want to toast it a little.

I added about 1/4 tsp of pumpkin spice and a dash of nutmeg to the quinoa while I browned it. You could add cinnamon. (I didn't have any.) This is the part where your kitchen starts to smell amazing!

I added about 1/4 tsp of pumpkin spice and a dash of nutmeg to the quinoa while I browned it. You could add cinnamon. (I didn't have any.) This is the part where your kitchen starts to smell amazing!

After the quinoa is browned, add 2 cups of unsweetened almond milk.

After the quinoa is browned, add 2 cups of unsweetened almond milk.

Add 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract. Use real vanilla, not that fake vanilla "flavored" stuff.

Add 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract. Use real vanilla, not that fake vanilla "flavored" stuff.

I didn't have any brown sugar, so I added a little maple syrup. (Real maple, not maple "flavored" syrup. With all due respect to Mrs. Buttersworth, you don't want to know what is in that stuff.)

I didn't have any brown sugar, so I added a little maple syrup. (Real maple, not maple "flavored" syrup. With all due respect to Mrs. Buttersworth, you don't want to know what is in that stuff.)

It will seem like I told you to add too much milk. Chill out. I did not. It is 2 cups of almond milk for 3/4 cup of quinoa. It is suppose to look like that. It will cook down.

It will seem like I told you to add too much milk. Chill out. I did not. It is 2 cups of almond milk for 3/4 cup of quinoa. It is suppose to look like that. It will cook down.

After it comes to a boil, REDUCE HEAT TO LOW, cover, and cook for about 45 minutes or until it is porridge-y. Open the lid and stir a couple of times while cooking.

After it comes to a boil, REDUCE HEAT TO LOW, cover, and cook for about 45 minutes or until it is porridge-y. Open the lid and stir a couple of times while cooking.

I tasted it while it was cooking and decided it needed a little something. So I threw in a little Vanilla Al'Mondo Super Protein. If you happen to have some in your fridge, I highly recommend it.

I tasted it while it was cooking and decided it needed a little something. So I threw in a little Vanilla Al'Mondo Super Protein. If you happen to have some in your fridge, I highly recommend it.

It is done when it looks like this. See? Porridge-y.

It is done when it looks like this. See? Porridge-y.

It is delicious all by itself.

It is delicious all by itself.

It is better if you add a little fruit and chopped almonds. Enjoy!

  • 3/4c Quinoa
  • 2.0c Unsweetened Almond Milk
  • 1/4tsp Pumpkin pie spice
  • 1.0pch Nutmeg
  • 3/4tsp Vanilla extract
  • 1.0pch Salt
  • 1/4c Odwalla Vanilla Al'Mondo Super Protein
  • 1.0tsp Pure maple syrup