Baby backs, wet hickory chips
Big green egg
Getting ready for sear
Direct heat-one handful wet hickory chips-one handful only
Ready for searing
280 degrees. Long, slow 11 min sear. Bone side first and don't walk away. Bad sear=bad ribs
Sear bone side down first
Perfect sear
Indirect heat One more hand full of wet hickory chips
Another view indirect-cook 2 hours at 250-275 degrees
After approx 2 hours, sauce meat side for about 20 min. Heat still 250-275
Now time for Texas Crutch. Double foil and add sauce. Wrap complete and put back in heat for another half hour
Texas Crutch
Time for faux cambro. Wrap in towels first
Cooler makes excellent faux cambro. Leave in there 30-60 minutes
While coals are hot make lamb chop appetizers Over direct heat. 4 min each side
Lamb chops ready while ribs in cooler
Ribs post faux cambro
Add your sides-slaw,Robey beans, souffle, Valinda potatoes. Bon Appetite. Enjoy!
- Big green egg
- Baby back ribs
- Hickory chips
- BBQ sauce
- Foil for Texas crutch
- Faux Cambro-cooler will work
Larry Benz
Physical Therapist and founder of Evidence in Motion, Tex Physical Therapy Specialists, & part of ProRehab and Breakthrough Rehab.
ÜT: 38.258194,-85.462388
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