How to cook perfect pacific nw style salmon

Cook Perfect Pacific NW Style Salmon


The type of salmon is important Sockeye or Coho can be cooked stovetop, broiled, baked or grilled. King, Atlantic or Farmed salmon must be baked or grilled for best results due to the fish girth.

Always try to buy fresh salmon. If you must by frozen go for flash frozen whole filets. Sockeye is often sold this way as it is the smallest of commercial salmons. Avoid store brand frozen salmon.

Certain store branded frozen fish include injected water or seasoning making the fish soft, mushy and unappetizing. When choosing your fish the skin should gleam silver bright with a fresh brine smell

Leave the skin on! It adds flavor and it is nature's way of telling you when the fish is perfectly cooked. The salmon will literally glide off of the skin when done. Ok now we have the salmon basics.

Nice bright silver ready to prepare

Nice bright silver ready to prepare

Place foil on shallow baking sheet, the salmon on foil, no oil or fat just the fish.  Place salmon in cold oven (lower 3rd) use Roast or broil (reg) till oven reaches 370F or 188C.  Then turn oven off

Place foil on shallow baking sheet, the salmon on foil, no oil or fat just the fish. Place salmon in cold oven (lower 3rd) use Roast or broil (reg) till oven reaches 370F or 188C. Then turn oven off

DO NOT OPEN OVEN! Let stand 10 minutes and then remove serve immediately.

Portion roasted salmon with spatula.

Portion roasted salmon with spatula.

I like it with a simple salad with a light olive oil and vinaigrette dressing with a touch of citrus like fresh mandarin oranges.

  • Seattle Salmon Rub (SnapGuide)
  • Aluminum Foil (heavy duty) if using oven
  • 1/4lb Fresh salmon (I used sockeye)