How to cook pasilla salsa

You may have stumbled across dried peppers at your local grocery store. You can use these to make delicious salsas. This is a template that can be used with any type of dried pepper. Enjoy!


Again, I'm using only a few ingredients. Roma tomatoes can be used, but San Marzanos are awesome too.

Again, I'm using only a few ingredients. Roma tomatoes can be used, but San Marzanos are awesome too.

Now, you might have seen dried peppers at the store. Pasilla peppers aren't too spicy and have a delicious smoky aroma. These will also give this salsa its distinctive color.

Now, you might have seen dried peppers at the store. Pasilla peppers aren't too spicy and have a delicious smoky aroma. These will also give this salsa its distinctive color.

Take the tails off and chop. Keep the seeds.

Take the tails off and chop. Keep the seeds.

Roughly chop your onions

Roughly chop your onions

Do the same with the garlic

Do the same with the garlic

Cut the tomatoes in 1/8s. Keep the juices.

Cut the tomatoes in 1/8s. Keep the juices.

Heat your pan to medium-high heat and add 1 1/2 tbsp of olive oil.

Heat your pan to medium-high heat and add 1 1/2 tbsp of olive oil.

Add the dried pasilla peppers and fry for 3-5 minutes. Be careful! You don't want to burn these. The idea is to just sear the peppers a bit to enhance the flavor. This also flavor the oil.

Add the dried pasilla peppers and fry for 3-5 minutes. Be careful! You don't want to burn these. The idea is to just sear the peppers a bit to enhance the flavor. This also flavor the oil.

Add the garlic and saut\u00e9 for 3 minutes.

Add the garlic and sauté for 3 minutes.

Add the garlic and cook until the garlic has some brown spots

Add the garlic and cook until the garlic has some brown spots

Almost there....

Almost there....

Here's how it should look.

Here's how it should look.

Now add the tomatoes. Cook until soft.

Now add the tomatoes. Cook until soft.

Here's how it should look after a couple of minutes

Here's how it should look after a couple of minutes

Now, we need to add the chicken broth. If you're animal-conscious, you can use water or veggie broth, but I must admit it tastes better with the chicken one.

Now, we need to add the chicken broth. If you're animal-conscious, you can use water or veggie broth, but I must admit it tastes better with the chicken one.

Add to the pan

Add to the pan

Raise the heat to high

Raise the heat to high

When it start boiling, lower the heat and let the salsa simmer for 10 minutes

When it start boiling, lower the heat and let the salsa simmer for 10 minutes

After that time, remove from the heat and let it cool for 15 minutes

After that time, remove from the heat and let it cool for 15 minutes

Put into the blender

Put into the blender

Top shot!

Top shot!

Blend until you can't see any pieces floating. It needs to be fully blended.

Blend until you can't see any pieces floating. It needs to be fully blended.

Voila! Pasilla salsa. Enjoy!

  • 3.0 Medium Tomatoes
  • 1.0 Medium Onion
  • 8.0 Garlic Cloves
  • 6.0 Pasilla Peppers
  • 1.0c Chicken Broth
  • Salt to taste