How to cook pan's thai omelette

Hi my name is Pan. I am Thai I live in Bangkok. I love to eat this Thai food so much and I can eat it everyday. It is easy to cook and it is so easy that even kids could cook it. Hope you enjoy.


Crack the eggs and add the fish sauce. Then whisk it together. Heat the oil in the pan. Add the egg mixture to the pan.Once it starts to get firm flip the mixture over to cook on the other side.

Crack the eggs and add the fish sauce. Then whisk it together. Heat the oil in the pan. Add the egg mixture to the pan.Once it starts to get firm flip the mixture over to cook on the other side.

When cooked remove from the pan and put on to paper towel. Use paper towel on top to soak up the extra oil.

When cooked remove from the pan and put on to paper towel. Use paper towel on top to soak up the extra oil.

Place it on the plate and serve with rice.

Place it on the plate and serve with rice.

  • 3.0Tbsp Fish sauce
  • 2.0 Eggs
  • 1/4c Oil