How to cook pan's easy yum woon sen

This is a type of food that is vegetarian and it is healthy and delicious. It's easy to cook and fast - try making it in different ways by adding different flavors.


First, boil the water then put the noodles in and stir them around until the noodles are soft and cooked. Pour the water out and put the noodles in a bowl to let it cool down.

First, boil the water then put the noodles in and stir them around until the noodles are soft and cooked. Pour the water out and put the noodles in a bowl to let it cool down.

Then put all of the ingredients in a bowl and pour in the fish sauce and the sugar. Mix it together. Then take the lemons and squeeze them over the bowl.

Then put all of the ingredients in a bowl and pour in the fish sauce and the sugar. Mix it together. Then take the lemons and squeeze them over the bowl.

Add the noodles and  mix together and then taste it. When you have the  taste that you want you can serve it. You can serve it with plain rice or only with the noodles. It's up to you. Enjoy!

Add the noodles and mix together and then taste it. When you have the taste that you want you can serve it. You can serve it with plain rice or only with the noodles. It's up to you. Enjoy!

  • 4.0 Tomatoes chopped
  • 4.0 Coriander pieces chopped
  • 3.0 Onions chopped
  • 4.0tsp Sugar
  • 3.0Tbsp Fish sauce
  • Some water
  • 1.0 Packet of Thai glass noodles
  • 4.0 Red chillies, chopped
  • 2.0 Lemons halved