How to cook norwegian "komler"

Cook Norwegian "Komler"


This is probably one of the most famous norwegian dishes there is. Every place their own name them. Every family their own way of serving them. "Komler" is most common along the coast line, but

you can find them all over. They are like tamales made of potatoes. Dont let their pale apperance fool you, they taste greate!

Peel your potatoes.

Peel your potatoes.

Finely grate them.

Finely grate them.

Add the barley flour.

Add the barley flour.

Mix it well, until it is a dough. Personally I just do this with my hands, I find it easier.

Mix it well, until it is a dough. Personally I just do this with my hands, I find it easier.

As with meatballs, make them into balls. Larger than a golf ball, smaller than a tennis ball.

As with meatballs, make them into balls. Larger than a golf ball, smaller than a tennis ball.

Put them in ready boiled water (with salt) and let them zimmer for  about 40-50 minuttes.

Put them in ready boiled water (with salt) and let them zimmer for about 40-50 minuttes.


Serve "komler" with bacon, sausage, rutabaga mash and salted lam meat. Enjoy!

Serve "komler" with bacon, sausage, rutabaga mash and salted lam meat. Enjoy!

Extra tips: If you make them the day before you plan to have the dinner, they will be more tasty! If thereis any left overs, you can cut them and bake them in the

owen. For extra flavor, put a piece of bacon inside them as you make them up.

  • Potatoes
  • Barley flour
  • Salt