How to cook meatball sandwich casserole

Cook Meatball Sandwich Casserole


Saut\u00e9 onion, green, and red peppers.

Sauté onion, green, and red peppers.

Add frozen meatballs, cover and cook till meatballs are thawed.

Add frozen meatballs, cover and cook till meatballs are thawed.

Slice French bread quarter inch thick.

Slice French bread quarter inch thick.

Mix Italian herbs with olive oil.

Mix Italian herbs with olive oil.

Add spaghetti sauce.

Add spaghetti sauce.

Bake in the oven @ 350 for 8 mins or so.

Bake in the oven @ 350 for 8 mins or so.

Add meatball mixture and Bake @ 350 for 20 minutes.

Add meatball mixture and Bake @ 350 for 20 minutes.

Add cheese and finish baking till cheese is melted.

  • 1.0 Onion
  • 1.0 Green pepper
  • 1.0 Red pepper
  • 3.0 Bags of frozen meatballs
  • 1.0 Jar of spaghetti sauce
  • 2.0 Loafs of French bread
  • 1/2c Olive oil
  • 1.0Tbsp Italian seasonings
  • 4.0c Mozzarella cheese shredded