How to cook lias famous raspberry and mint tokokay

Cook Lias Famous Raspberry and Mint Tokokay


First was all the ingredients and put to one side. Also wash the bottle lid and dry so there is no water in it.

Next get your knife and slice the raspberries in to tiny pieces. Then put them to one side, take the mint apart and put one on top of the other in the lid.

After that put the raspberries in carefully and cover up with ain't leaf.

Next make sure you put in a cold place to set for 10 minutes. Last but not least eat it.

  • 3.0 Fresh raspberry
  • 2.0part Fresh mint
  • 1.0 A water bottle lid
  • 1.0 A sharp knife
  • 1.0 Cold space ( frig )
  • 1.0pch Sugar
  • A good tast in food