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How to cook homemade spaghetti bolognese

Cook Homemade Spaghetti Bolognese


Peel your 2 onions like so

Peel your 2 onions like so

Cut your onions into quarters lengthways

Cut your onions into quarters lengthways

Dice your onions

Dice your onions

Grab 15 mushrooms and pull the stork out like shown

Grab 15 mushrooms and pull the stork out like shown

Cut your mush rooms into 6ths

Cut your mush rooms into 6ths

Put 1 tablespoon of olive oil into a big pot and place your onions into the cold pan straight away as they cook better. Stir until translucent whilst letting the rest in between stirs.

Put 1 tablespoon of olive oil into a big pot and place your onions into the cold pan straight away as they cook better. Stir until translucent whilst letting the rest in between stirs.

Add about 2 teaspoons of garlic powder.

Add about 2 teaspoons of garlic powder.

Stir thoroughly with the onions. Once the onions are translucent add 1 tablespoon of remanos tomato paste.

Stir thoroughly with the onions. Once the onions are translucent add 1 tablespoon of remanos tomato paste.

Once they have been mixed together you should get this result.

Once they have been mixed together you should get this result.

Add in your minced meat into your mixture.

Add in your minced meat into your mixture.

And you'll get this result.

And you'll get this result.

Add your jars of remanos pasta sauce.

Add your jars of remanos pasta sauce.

Continue mixing now.

Continue mixing now.

Add your mushrooms and continue your mixing.

Add your mushrooms and continue your mixing.

Add your basil, continue mixing until you cant see your basil.

Add your basil, continue mixing until you cant see your basil.

Time to make the pasta. Start by adding 100 g of flour and then make a little hole in the middle to add your egg into.

Time to make the pasta. Start by adding 100 g of flour and then make a little hole in the middle to add your egg into.

Add your egg

Add your egg

Start using your hands bringing the mix together, this is starting the kneading process.

Start using your hands bringing the mix together, this is starting the kneading process.

Start kneading for 15 minutes until the texture has gone from a rubbery texture to an elastic texture.

Start kneading for 15 minutes until the texture has gone from a rubbery texture to an elastic texture.

Once you finish kneading let rest for 20-45 minutes.

Once you finish kneading let rest for 20-45 minutes.

Once rested cut in half.

Once rested cut in half.

Do it for 20 times, folding and then putting it back through. Once you complete the 20 times put it through going down numbers without folding, before putting it through the cutting section.

Do it for 20 times, folding and then putting it back through. Once you complete the 20 times put it through going down numbers without folding, before putting it through the cutting section.

Once you put water on the stove and it boils add some salt.

Once you put water on the stove and it boils add some salt.

Put your pasta in.

Put your pasta in.

The beauty about homemade pasta it cooks really quickly.

The beauty about homemade pasta it cooks really quickly.

Taste your pasta.

Taste your pasta.

Strain your pasta

Strain your pasta

In a bowl add some lemon infused olive oil. And place the pasta in.

In a bowl add some lemon infused olive oil. And place the pasta in.

Place pasta in the bowl, add the sauce, and a bit of Parmesan equals awesomeness.

Place pasta in the bowl, add the sauce, and a bit of Parmesan equals awesomeness.

  • Minced meat
  • 2 jars remano pasta sauce
  • 15 mushrooms
  • 2 onions
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 table spoon of basil
  • 2 teaspoons of garlic powder
  • 100g plain flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon infused olive oil (at the end)
  • 1 tablespoon of tomato paste