How to cook healthy scrambled eggs

Cook Healthy Scrambled Eggs


Get out skillet, and remember to spray with cooking spray....I forgot /.\

Get out skillet, and remember to spray with cooking spray....I forgot /.\

Get out three eggs, milk, and feta cheese. This would be where  you could also get out spinach, but I didn't have any this time.

Get out three eggs, milk, and feta cheese. This would be where you could also get out spinach, but I didn't have any this time.

Crack all three eggs into a bowl

Crack all three eggs into a bowl

Use the water bottle trick to remove two egg yolks...there's guides on here to do that. You just squeeze the bottle and put it by the yolk

Use the water bottle trick to remove two egg yolks...there's guides on here to do that. You just squeeze the bottle and put it by the yolk

You should have one egg yolk and two egg whites left

You should have one egg yolk and two egg whites left

Add your feta cheese, and spinach if you have any.

Add your feta cheese, and spinach if you have any.

Add just a splash of milk.

Add just a splash of milk.



Pour in your skillet

Pour in your skillet

Scamble...and see why you need to remember to use cooking spray? .-.

Scamble...and see why you need to remember to use cooking spray? .-.

Until fully cooked...

Until fully cooked...

There! Healthy scrambled eggs (:

There! Healthy scrambled eggs (:

I chose to put mine in pita bread.

I chose to put mine in pita bread.

Slice the bread in half

Slice the bread in half

See, it opens up. I put my eggs and a little bit of feta cheese and pepper inside.

See, it opens up. I put my eggs and a little bit of feta cheese and pepper inside.

There! A quick, healthy breakfast!

There! A quick, healthy breakfast!

With the feta cheese I used and calories of the pita bread...this was all under 200 calories!

Remember to like, comment, and follow me for great guides! c:

  • 3.0 Eggs
  • Feta Cheese
  • Milk