How to cook french toast

Cook French Toast


Set your stove to medium

Set your stove to medium

Place the pan on the stove and add the oil. Or butter. Then spread it around

Place the pan on the stove and add the oil. Or butter. Then spread it around

Before you start mixing the eggs, turn the stove to med low

Before you start mixing the eggs, turn the stove to med low

When you're done mixing the eggs, they should look like this.

When you're done mixing the eggs, they should look like this.

Add 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla for each egg you put into the bowl.

Add 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla for each egg you put into the bowl.

Flip them over after about 45 seconds, make sure the stove is set at medium again.

Flip them over after about 45 seconds, make sure the stove is set at medium again.

It should look like this at the end.

At the end put anything you want with it. And enjoy :) Thank you to whoever reads/watches this guide. It's my first one.

  • 1 egg per piece of toast
  • 1/2tsp Vanilla extract
  • 1 piece of bread per egg
  • Icing sugar, jam, syrup etc
  • 2.0Tbsp Milk (per egg)
  • Olive oil or butter/margarine