How to cook delicious "ginger rice".

Cook Delicious "Ginger Rice".


::材料 4人前:: 米:3合、出汁:540ml、酒:大さじ2、醤油:大さじ1、塩:小さじ1、生姜:100g、豚モモ薄切り:150g、《肉の下味》酒:大さじ1、塩:少々

first, wash rice.  \u521d\u3081\u306b\u304a\u7c73\u3092\u7814\u3044\u3067\u304a\u304d\u307e\u3059\u3002

first, wash rice. 初めにお米を研いでおきます。

cut pork leg narrowly, and soak in 2 tablespoons of sake and bit of salt. \u8c5a\u306e\u30e2\u30e2\u8089\u3092\u7d30\u9577\u304f\u5207\u308a\u3001\u9152\u5927\u3055\u30582, \u5869\u5c11\u3005\u3092\u52a0\u3048\u307e\u3059\u3002

cut pork leg narrowly, and soak in 2 tablespoons of sake and bit of salt. 豚のモモ肉を細長く切り、酒大さじ2, 塩少々を加えます。

ginger.  \u751f\u59dc\u3092\u6e96\u5099\u3057\u307e\u3059\u3002

ginger. 生姜を準備します。

peel ginger and shred it.  \u751f\u59dc\u306f\u76ae\u3092\u5265\u3044\u3066\u5343\u5207\u308a\u306b\u3057\u307e\u3059\u3002

peel ginger and shred it. 生姜は皮を剥いて千切りにします。

immerse the washed rice  in soup stock. \u6d17\u3063\u305f\u304a\u7c73\u3092\u51fa\u6c41\u306b\u6d78\u3057\u3066\u304a\u304d\u307e\u3059\u3002

immerse the washed rice in soup stock. 洗ったお米を出汁に浸しておきます。

dust ginger with boiled water. \u751f\u59dc\u306b\u6e6f\u3092\u304b\u3051\u3066\u8f9b\u5473\u3092\u307e\u308d\u3084\u304b\u306b\u3057\u3066\u304a\u304d\u307e\u3059\u3002

dust ginger with boiled water. 生姜に湯をかけて辛味をまろやかにしておきます。

add 2 tablespoons of sake, 1 of soy sauce,and 1 teaspoon of salt. mix rice and them. and add pork and ginger, boil them in a rice-cooker. \u9152\u5927\u3055\u30582\u3001\u91a4\u6cb9\u5927\u3055\u30581\u3001\u5869\u5c0f\u3055\u30581\u3092\u51fa\u6c41\u306b\u6d78\u3057\u305f\u7c73\u306b\u6df7\u305c\u3001\u8c5a\u8089\u3068\u751f\u59dc\u3092\u4e57\u305b\u3066\u708a\u304d\u307e\u3059\u3002

add 2 tablespoons of sake, 1 of soy sauce,and 1 teaspoon of salt. mix rice and them. and add pork and ginger, boil them in a rice-cooker. 酒大さじ2、醤油大さじ1、塩小さじ1を出汁に浸した米に混ぜ、豚肉と生姜を乗せて炊きます。

now on boiling. \u708a\u3044\u3066\u307e\u3059\u3002

now on boiling. 炊いてます。

completion!! 出来上がり!!いっただっきまーす!!おこげもおいしいよ。

  • 450.0g Rice
  • 540.0ml Soup stock
  • 2.0Tbsp sake
  • 1.0Tbsp soy sauce
  • 1.0tsp salt
  • 100.0g ginger
  • 150.0g pork leg
  • 1.0Tbsp sake
  • Bit of salt