How to cook chocolates

Cook Chocolates


Add the cocoa butter to your chocolate (10% maximum)

Add the cocoa butter to your chocolate (10% maximum)

We are going to melt the chocolate in the  microwave in 30 seconds intervals  (watch out for the time we do not want to burn the chocolate)

We are going to melt the chocolate in the microwave in 30 seconds intervals (watch out for the time we do not want to burn the chocolate)

Remove the chocolate and stir every 30 seconds

Remove the chocolate and stir every 30 seconds

All chocolate must be melted

All chocolate must be melted

To Cool the chocolate (26 degrees) we should stir it on the marble table until we feel that is cold

To Cool the chocolate (26 degrees) we should stir it on the marble table until we feel that is cold

We por the chocolate into the mold

We por the chocolate into the mold

We emptied the mold and we take it to the refrigerator for 3 minutes

We emptied the mold and we take it to the refrigerator for 3 minutes

We fill the chocolates ( see how to Cook passion fruit chocolate filling tutirial)

We fill the chocolates ( see how to Cook passion fruit chocolate filling tutirial)

We Add more chocolate and we beat the mold to the remove air bubbles (refrigarate for 7 minutes)

We Add more chocolate and we beat the mold to the remove air bubbles (refrigarate for 7 minutes)

  • 10% cocoa butter
  • White or black chocolate (cocoa base)
  • Fruit filling