How to cook chinese tea egg

Cook Chinese Tea Egg


A typical Asian savory food commonly sold as a snack in stores or one of my favorite street food. It is a pre-boiled egg is cracked and then boiled again in tea, sauce or spices.

Eggs are boiled until cooked with cracked around, remove it from water and put into the prepared marinated ingredient or spiced-tea liquid.

Simmered at medium heat. The simmering let the spiced fluid to seep into eggs and marinated inside their eggs.

Simmered at medium heat. The simmering let the spiced fluid to seep into eggs and marinated inside their eggs.

The eggs should be steep for several hours or longer, the dark color of spiced tea a marbled design when it is peeled.

  • 7.0 Eggs
  • 1.0 Marinated egg powder
  • 2.0 Black tea/oolong tea bag