How to cook chicken with cheddar broccoli

This low-calorie dinner is super good first time ever trying it and came out great.


Cut up broccoli apples and fresh green beans and mix together. Add half a cup of cheese,.mix one tsbp olive oil

Cut up broccoli apples and fresh green beans and mix together. Add half a cup of cheese,.mix one tsbp olive oil

Rubbed chicken with olive oil Garlic powder and pepper  and put on tinfoil. One chicken breast per foil. Use one tsbp olive oil.

Rubbed chicken with olive oil Garlic powder and pepper and put on tinfoil. One chicken breast per foil. Use one tsbp olive oil.

Put veggie mix Over chicken breast. Add cheddar cheese on top. Completely covered chicken and veggies with tinfoil.

Put veggie mix Over chicken breast. Add cheddar cheese on top. Completely covered chicken and veggies with tinfoil.

Put in oven for 25 minutes at 450°

When done let sit for five minutes then open tinfoil. All done! Eat and enjoy.

When done let sit for five minutes then open tinfoil. All done! Eat and enjoy.

  • Fresh broccoli
  • Shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1 to 2 apples
  • Fresh green beans
  • 2 tsbp 100% olive oil
  • Garlic powder
  • Seasoned salt salt
  • Tinfoil